Not everyone cares about drinking delicious coffee.

But if you care about drinking delicious coffee then,

this is the - never bitter never burnt - coffee for you.

And that’s why I founded LOVEz Coffee.

YOU deserve coffee this GOOD!!

LOVEz Air Roasted Coffee


Discover the true taste of coffee as intended by Mother Nature with our innovative Air Roasting process.

Unlike traditional drum roasting methods that often leave a bitter aftertaste, our process enhances the natural flavors of the beans without any bitterness.

Invest a moment to watch a 4 minute video on how we Air Roast our coffee.

Cold Brew Air Roasted Coffee

Author: Cookie and Kate; Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes (plus 12 hour resting time)
Yield: 5 cups coffee 1x Method: Cold brew
Let’s make cold brew coffee! It’s easy to make, and it’s so nice to have coffee ready to go. This recipe is written for a 1-quart wide-mouth mason jar; you can scale it up or down using 1 ounce* (28 grams) coffee per 1 cup water. The quantities provided will produce about 2½ cups concentrate, which is enough for 5 cups of cold brew.
- 3 ounces coarsely ground LOVEz Air Roasted coffee. (that's about 3/4 cup whole coffee beans turned into about 1 1/2 cups coarsely grind coffee. I recommend our Ethiopian Yirgacheffe for a great summer flavor.
- 3 cups of water (filtered water if you have it).
> In a 1 quart wide-mouth mason jar, combine the coffee and water. Stir to combine. I like to let my mixture rest for about five minutes and stir again; the coffee grounds seem to gain more water exposure this way.
> Put a lid on your container and refrigerate it for 12 to 18 hours.
> When you're ready to strain your cold brew, place a thin paper coffee filter or a small thin cotton napkin, cloth or handkerchief over a small fine mesh sieve. Pour the concentrate through the prepared serve into a liquid measuring cup or picture. Let it rest for a few minutes to let the last of the cold brew trickle down.
> To serve, fill a glass with ice and fill it halfway with water. Then fill the rest of the glass with the cold brew concentrate, and stir to combine. Cold brew concentrate will keep well in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, although I find that it has the best flavour within the first week.

Grinders Journal: Your Source For All Things Coffee

Healthy No Sugar "Make at Home" Pumpkin Spice Air Roasted Coffee Recipe

Indulge in a guilt-free, no sugar Pumpkin Spice Latte with this homemade recipe. Combining whole milk or non dairy milk, pumpkin puree, maple syrup, and a blend of spices, this latte is topped with a rich, homemade maple whipped cream. Brewed with LOVEz air-roasted coffee, the result is a delightful and flavorful beverage, offering the perfect balance of sweetness. Enjoy the essence of fall without the sugar found in commercial versions.

The Role of Coffee in Social Movements

Coffee has historically played a crucial role in social movements by serving as a hub for intellectual exchange and political strategizing. From 15th-century Yemen to modern-day activism, coffeehouses have been pivotal in fostering revolutionary ideas, supporting civil rights, and advocating for ethical practices. Coffee continues to be a symbol of solidarity and resistance, inspiring change and uniting communities.

Coffee and Aging: Can Caffeine Extend Your Lifespan?

Discover how coffee's antioxidants and caffeine may extend lifespan by reducing disease risks and promoting overall health. Learn the science behind coffee and aging.

Coffee has long been a popular beverage, but recent scientific studies suggest that its benefits go beyond a caffeine boost. Rich in antioxidants, coffee may reduce oxidative stress, lower the risk of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and improve metabolic health, potentially extending lifespan. With moderate consumption, coffee's anti-inflammatory properties and positive impact on liver function could contribute to longevity. However, quality and preparation methods matter, and individual health considerations should guide consumption.

Coffee on the Go: The Best Travel Brewing Methods

Explore the best travel coffee brewing methods, including AeroPress, portable espresso makers, pour-over systems, French press travel mugs, and instant coffee.

FAQ: I buy my coffee for $10 for a 12 ounce bag at the grocery store. Why should I pay more for LOVEz Coffee?

By choosing our specialty beans, you join us in creating a better world.
Commodity coffee beans often come from impoverished farmers
who receive very little money for their hard work.
However, the specialty coffee industry to which we belong to is changing this bleak reality. Our higher-priced beans come from sustainable farmers who pay fair wages to empower their communities, and grow exceptional coffee for you.
We aim to trade directly with these farmers, cutting out
middlemen and ensuring better profits for farmers. Imagine running a business that loses money with every transaction.
We prioritize both quality specialty beans and the
well-being of our farmers and their families.
Our specialty beans are Air Roasted on demand, guaranteeing freshness and rich flavor for you. Although they may be cost more, we don't want to settle for the status quo.
Opting out of unsustainable $10 bags of stale commodity beans is a powerful way to make a difference.
You deserve better tasting coffee.
Will you join us on this journey?

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Testimonials: You comments make us better, not bitter.

Air roasted beans are what Mother Nature intended coffee to taste like.
I noticed right away, upon opening the bag, that the beans didn’t have the same bitter/burnt/harsh smell as other coffee beans. I even opened another bag of coffee I had to compare the smell. When I had the first sip, the first thought that hit me was how smooth it tasted. I’ve never had coffee that smooth and every sip provided the same texture. The taste was very good but the biggest differences from other coffee’s were the smoothness and the smell. So far, the stomach is fine. 😁 I liked the personal note inside.
Thank you, Bernie! Enjoying my coffee on the patio! Love it!
Hey Bernie, Just wanted to drop a note and let you know that today I got my first bag of coffee. It's really good. Definitely better than Starbucks.