Our Costa Rican coffee bean is homage to the famed Coopetarrazú, a 60-year old farmer cooperative. This amazing bean delivers a smooth punch of tropical fruit and chocolate.
Planted at 1300 meters and harvested in the new year, the beans are fully washed and dried using a mechanical dryer. The green beans are exported in April.
Coopetarrazú was established in 1960 by a group of 228 small coffee producers in San Marcos de Tarrazú. The farmers banded together with the goal of establishing equal profits and a voice for small producers in the region dominated by large producers. The Co-op has grown to become one of the most important contributors to the economic development of the Los Santos region of Tarrazú.
Today the Co-op assists its more than 5,000 members with technical assistance, low-cost incomes, and affordable fertilizers. About 80% of their members are small producers with farms of four hectares or less. They employ approximately 10,000 people throughout the year, either directly in coffee production or in supporting roles allowing Coopetarrazú to control the entire coffee production process from harvest through sorting, milling and exporting. This level of control allows for constant evaluation and leads to consistent quality year after year.
Air roasted Costa Rican reveals a hint of Tropical Fruit, Chocolate Catuaí and Caturra.
Our LOVEz beans are air roasted and hand crafted in small batches for amazing flavor and shipped to you on the same day we air roast. Recommended Roast: Medium. We ship in 1 lb or 2 lb bag.